Friday, March 20, 2009

Art Exhibition at The Loft Theatre

Antika's creative director, Vicki Walkden, is exhibiting her new paintings and prints at The Loft Theatre, Leamington Spa, 25 March – 4 April.

Vicki, like a lot of creatives, seems unable to just kick back at weekends, and thus spends her spare time painting, generally dabbling and always creating. Her inspiration is predominantly taken from landscapes and nature. She plays with colour and form to create a sense of space and tranquility; and, by working with a range of different mediums including acrylic, watercolour and digital art, Vicki maintains an experimental approach.

Exploring colour is a particular focus for Vicki, who descibes herself as a colourist painter/artist. By combining beautiful colours taken from everyday scenes and objects, she aims to emanate calm and beauty.

For details on The Loft Theatre click here
For more info on Vicki's artwork click here

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

What is this law of attraction? I hear you say. Or maybe you’ve heard of it and currently putting it into practise. Either way, word is out and whether you do it consciously or unconsciously, there seems to be something to it, especially when you read all the testimonials (see links below…)

So…let’s see…I manifest what I focus on. If I don’t want something but think of it, I’m focussing on it and thus manifesting it. Mmm…okay, cool. So I need to focus only on things I want.

(Maybe it will take a bit of practise but I’m willing to give it a try).

ALSO, it’s important to FEEL GOOD about what you want to manifest, and one way of doing that is to feel grateful for it. (As if you already have it)

My interpretation of this is when I used to check my lottery ticket, I used to feel disappointment but if you KNOW you’ll win (whatever amount you’ve wished for) you won’t feel disappointment just EXCITEMENT. You’ve just got to keep that belief. And don’t tell anyone they might think you’re mad and effect your beliefs – tell them when you’ve won. I just use this as an example, because of course there are many things to manifest like great relationships etc.

Well, I for one am manifesting, and I’ve decided to keep a track of things I’m manifesting on this blog.


In my mind if you are still missing or needing things in your life, or having a feeling your life could be so much better, then surely it’s worth a try?

I’ll be back with all my good news.

V x ☺